DevFest Nantes is supported by GDG Nantes.
The Google Developers Groups (GDGs) are groups of people interested in Google Platforms and Technologies: Android, Chrome, Google Apps, Angular, Cloud… These groups promoting sharing can be found all around the world.
The objective of GDG Nantes is to organise events regularly:
- Google Technology Conferences and others on the Web, Cloud, Mobile, Big Data.
- Informal theme-based evening sessions around an Aperitif to facilitate meetings of similar minds and thoughts
- Codelabs to learn concretely and technically about technologies
- Competitions (Hackathon, …)
- Video retransmissions of major events: US conferences, keynotes
To make all this possible, an awesome team of volunteers is working behind the scenes.
Core Team
Aline Deschamps
Business Developer DINNO
Annabelle Koster
Tech Community Ambassador Sfeir
Arthur Maury
Software Architect at Bouygues Telecom
Audrey Le Mercier
Front-end developer at Le Petit Garage
Aymeric Fouchault
Dean of Studies Epitech Nantes
Benjamin Petetot
OSS Advocate Zenika Nantes
Jean-Francois Garreau
CTO Sfeir Nantes
Julien Landuré
CTO Zenika Nantes
Marie Cauchy
Head of Epitech Digital
Pierrick Guyard
Deputy Dean of Studies Epitech Nantes
Xavier Marc
Honor member ❤️